What is water hazard?

What is water hazard?

Water Hazard – “A water hazard is any sea, lake, pond, river, ditch, surface drainage ditch or other open water course (whether or not containing water) and anything of a similar nature on the course.” (This part is true for both yellow and red water hazards)

How do you get past the helicopter in Half Life 2?

Destroy all the explosive barrels in the water around the valley. It is far easier to move around and destroy the Hunter-Chopper when you don’t have to worry about running into an exploding barrel or having secondary explosions hit your airboat. Shoot them with your pulse turret to ignite them.

What is a Strider Half-Life?

The Strider is a large three-legged arthropod-like Combine Synth that stands approximately 15 meters tall or 50 feet. Introduced in Half-Life 2, they serve as the Combine’s main heavy ground assault unit.

What are the Combine soldiers?

Combine Soldiers are humans that have undergone extensive modifications including, but not limited to, brain and chest surgery, removal of genitalia, and implantation of various mechanical devices in the throat and around the abdomen. This procedure is carried out at Nova Prospekt and the Citadel.

What are the top 3 hazards?

What are the 5 major hazards in the workplace?

  • Falls and Falling Objects.
  • Chemical Exposure.
  • Fire Hazards.
  • Electrical Hazards.
  • Repetitive Motion Injury.

What are the 5 main types of hazards?

5 Major Hazards in the Workplace

  • Falls and Falling Objects.
  • Chemical Exposure.
  • Fire Hazards.
  • Electrical Hazards.
  • Repetitive Motion Injury.

What are the aliens in half-life?

Vortigaunts are a fictional extra-dimensional species in the Half-Life series of video games by Valve. In Half-Life and its three expansions, Vortigaunts are frequently encountered by the player as hostile non-player characters in Half-Life and later as allies in Half-Life 2.

What do stalkers do in Half-Life?

Stalkers are humans who have been drastically altered, both physically and mentally, through extreme, brutal surgery by the Combine. They are servants, mindlessly operating Combine machinery, and guarding the core in the Citadel.