What happens if chronic constipation is not treated?

What happens if chronic constipation is not treated?

Constipation should not be ignored. If it is left untreated, serious complications may arise such as hemorrhoids, anal fissure, fecal impaction and rectal prolapse as well as other related diseases that affect to general health in a long run.

Is it normal to have constipation for years?

Constipation lasting for more than three months that doesn’t get any better after eating more fiber, drinking water, and getting some exercise is considered chronic. It’s important to visit a doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.

Can chronic constipation lead to?

For most people constipation rarely causes complications, but people with long-term constipation can develop: haemorrhoids (piles) faecal impaction (where dry, hard stools collect in the rectum) bowel incontinence (the leakage of liquid stools)

Why have I been constipated for years?

Changes in your bowel habits may be a warning sign of a viral or bacterial infection, obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or colon cancer. If you have one or more of the following symptoms, call your health care provider: Constipation that lasts for more than two weeks.

What diseases have constipation as a symptom?

Medical and health conditions that can cause constipation include:

  • Endocrine problems, like underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), diabetes, uremia, hypercalcemia.
  • Colorectal cancer.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Diverticular disease.
  • Outlet dysfunction constipation.

Why is my constipation not going away?

Most cases of acute constipation happen because you are not eating enough of the right foods (or in the right quantities), drinking enough water or getting enough exercise. So the fixes are simple: Move more, drink more water and add fiber to your diet (or take it as a supplement) to add bulk to your stool.

What does severe constipation feel like?

Having lumpy or hard stools. Straining to have bowel movements. Feeling as though there’s a blockage in your rectum that prevents bowel movements. Feeling as though you can’t completely empty the stool from your rectum.

What medical conditions cause severe constipation?

What is considered severe constipation?

Very few bowel movements Doctors usually define constipation as going to the bathroom fewer than three times a week. Having fewer bowel movements than this may signal a more severe problem. If a person is eating regularly but not having bowel movements, stool can quickly become backed up.

When should I worry about constipation?

Constipation occurs when bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass. It happens most often due to changes in diet or routine, or due to inadequate intake of fiber. You should call your doctor if you have severe pain, blood in your stools, or constipation that lasts longer than three weeks.