What does Site-Specific mean in theatre?

What does Site-Specific mean in theatre?

Producing site-specific theatre means giving up a certain amount of control over the theatrical environment. The site selected for the performance may not have an actual stage (or if it does, the space may be extremely limited).

Which best describes a site-specific Theatre?

Site-specific theatre is considered to be any type of theatrical production that is performed at a unique, specially adapted location other than a standard theatre. This unique site may have been built without any intention of serving theatrical purposes (for example, a hotel, courtyard, or converted building).

Who invented site-specific Theatre?

From the first list two names in particular have been pivotalto the development of site-specific theatre: Peter Brook and Deborah Warner.

Why is site-specific theatre important?

Site-specific theatre’s ability to move away from the space of a traditional theatre is a unique quality of this practice which can help to tackle the elitism so often associated with the arts. Often the elitist nature of a traditional theatre puts people in an uncomfortable state as they feel they ‘do not belong’.

What is the meaning of site-specific?

The term site-specific refers to a work of art designed specifically for a particular location and that has an interrelationship with the location.

What is the meaning of site specific?

What are the types of theater?

What are the types of theatre stages and auditoria?

  • Proscenium stages. Proscenium stages have an architectural frame, known as the proscenium arch, although not always arched in shape.
  • Thrust stages.
  • Theatres in-the-round.
  • Arena theatres.
  • Black-box or studio theatres.
  • Platform stages.
  • Hippodromes.
  • Open air theatres.

What is the most common type of theatre?

The most common types of stage arrangements are listed below.

  • Proscenium stages. Proscenium stages have an architectural frame, known as the proscenium arch, although not always arched in shape.
  • Thrust stages.
  • Theatres in-the-round.
  • Arena theatres.
  • Black-box or studio theatres.
  • Platform stages.
  • Hippodromes.
  • Open air theatres.

What are the three types of medieval theatre?

There are three types of Medieval Drama: Mystery Play, Miracle Play, and the Morality Play.

Why is site-specific art important?

The site-specific nature of the work allows artists to interrogate the contemporary and historic reality of the Central Business District and create work that allows the city’s users to engage and interact with public spaces in new and memorable ways.