What is Bhenchod in Urdu?

What is Bhenchod in Urdu?

behenchod. Literal meaning = one who enjoys sex with ne’s own sister. Usage : Often used as a cursory word, in the same way as “damn it!”. less frequently used with its literal meaning i.e One who performs sex with own sister.

What is the meaning of Pagal Chutiya?

means someone abused you in hindi dear.

What does gandu mean?

it is a slang word like you have ass hole in english.

What does Randi mean?

/raṇḍī/ nf. whore countable noun. A whore is the same as a prostitute.

Why is Sala a bad word?

Take the word sala, for example. It’s probably Hindi’s most popular obscenity and is only mildly offensive. It literally means one’s wife’s brother. By calling someone a sala you are in short proclaiming that you dominate him because you have had sex with his sister.

Is Saale a bad word?

Urban Dictionary defines it as: Saala is the Hindi term for your wife’s brother. However it’s most commonly used as an insult, with the implication being that you are sleeping with the insulted persons sister.

What does Sala Kutta mean?

‘Sala kutta’ (as I would spell it; the extra ‘a’ is redundant) should be translated to ‘brother-in-law dog’. This translation is not merely literally accurate, but possesses immense charm. Indeed, the term ‘bastard’ is used on that page as a translation for ‘chutiya’, ‘haraam zaada’ [sic] and ‘haraami’.

Why is Sali a bad word?

Saala is the Hindi term for your wife’s brother. However it’s most commonly used as an insult, with the implication being that you are sleeping with the insulted persons sister.

Is Kutta a bad word?

Most subcontinental languages such as Hindi-Urdu have a rather different set of principles which drive their profanity. Ironically for Modi, the fact that kutta is a swearword in Hindi is, in all probability, drawn from the Islamic contempt for the animal.

What does Sali mean?


Acronym Definition
SALI Standalone Automatic Location Identification
SALI Sexual Assault Legal Institute (Maryland Coalition against Sexual Assault)
SALI Science and Life Issues (science course)
SALI Southern Assisted Living, Inc. (Chapel Hill, NC)

What does Sali Kutti mean?

wife’s sister. Last Update: 2016-05-13.