How do you treat osteochondral injury?

How do you treat osteochondral injury?

The common treatment strategies of symptomatic OLTs include nonsurgical treatment with rest, cast immobilisation and use of NSAIDs; surgical treatment includes surgical excision of the lesion, excision and curettage, excision combined with curettage and microfracturing, filling of the defect with autogenous cancellous …

Are osteochondral lesions serious?

Osteochondral lesions of the talus are a reasonably infrequent cause of long-standing ankle pain and stiffness and are often the result of a severe ankle sprain type injury. The presence of an osteochondral lesion may initially go undetected and may manifest many months after the initial ankle injury.

How long does it take for an osteochondral defect to heal?

The recovery period after an osteochondral lesion usually lasts six months to a year. Typically, you progress from range-of-motion exercises to light cardiovascular exercise and then strengthening exercises. If you experience episodes of minor swelling or pain while exercising, have your physician examine your ankle.

Is a talar dome lesion a fracture?

The dome is made of bone (osteo-) and is covered with a layer of cartilage (-chondral). Therefore, when a piece of this dome breaks off (fractures), it is referred to as an osteochondral fracture of the talar dome. Physiotherapy is a successful treatment for osteochondral fractures of the talor dome.

Do osteochondral defects get worse?

It is not unusual for an osteochondral defect to go undiagnosed for years. Some defects occur as part of the aging process, are progressive and get worse over time. Other such osteochondral defects occur with a traumatic episode such as an accident or hard fall.

Do osteochondral defects heal?

Osteochondral defects of the ankle can either heal and remain asymptomatic or progress to deep ankle pain on weight bearing and formation of subchondral bone cysts.

Are osteochondral lesions painful?

A patient with an osteochondral lesion will often feel a dull ache in the joint and may also experience a mild locking or clicking of their knee or ankle joint. The affected joint may also seem to be loose.

How long does it take for a fractured talus bone to heal?

The recovery from a talus fracture can be lengthy because until the bone is healed, you cannot place weight on your foot. Therefore, most talus fractures require a minimum of six to 12 weeks of protection from weight-bearing. 8 In more significant injuries, the time may be longer.

Is osteochondral defect painful?

Do osteochondral lesions heal?

Most osteochondral talar defects are caused by trauma. They may heal and remain asymptomatic or progress to subchondral cysts with deep ankle pain on weight bearing.

Where do osteochondral lesions of the talar dome occur?

Although osteochondral lesions can occur over any portion of the talar dome or the tibia, the talar lesions typically occur over the anterolateral or the posteromedial talar dome. Medial lesions tend to be deeper and cup shaped. Patients tend to present with more chronic symptoms of ankle pain, rather than acute injury.

How to diagnose talar dome cartilage damage?

Diagnosing Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus The diagnosis of cartilage damage (osteochondral lesion, also known as talar dome) is often done with x-rays and/or an MRI. Initial x-rays are taken to check the alignment of the foot and ankle, as well as look for any bone damage.

Can a talar dome lesion cause lateral joint pain?

A patient with an osteochondral lesion of the talar dome will most commonly present with a chief complaint of ankle pain, sometimes poorly localized and nonspecific. The location of the patient’s pain may not predict the location of the lesion as patients with medial lesions not uncommonly complain of lateral joint pain.

Can a talar dome sprain cause Olt injury?

The talar dome has no direct muscle attachments (2); during normal ankle motion of ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion, the talar dome (trochlear) rotates and slides against the undersurface of the tibia. An ankle sprain due to rotational forces likely causes OLT injuries.