How far is Puerto Vallarta from Chicago by plane?

How far is Puerto Vallarta from Chicago by plane?

1789 miles
How long does a flight from Chicago to Puerto Vallarta take? An average nonstop flight takes 8h 57m, covering a distance of 1789 miles.

How long is the flight from O’Hare to Puerto Vallarta?

O’Hare Intl. to Licenciado Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Intl. Flight FAQ

Traveling From O’Hare Intl.
Traveling To Licenciado Gustavo Diaz Ordaz Intl.
Shortest Flight Time 4 hours 35 mins
Earliest Departure Time 8:50AM CDT
Latest Departure Time 8:50AM CDT

What airlines fly out of Puerto Vallarta?

Airlines flying from Puerto Vallarta

  • WestJet (WS)11 destinations.
  • American Airlines (AA)6 destinations.
  • Swoop (WO)6 destinations.
  • Alaska (AS)6 destinations.
  • United Airlines (UA)6 destinations.
  • Delta (DL)6 destinations.
  • VivaAerobus (VB)5 destinations.
  • Volaris (Y4)5 destinations.

What is the cheapest time to go to Puerto Vallarta?

High season is considered to be November and December. The cheapest month to fly to Puerto Vallarta is August.

How far is Puerto Vallarta Mexico from Chicago?

Distance between Chicago, IL (ORD) and Puerto Vallarta (PVR) Driving distance from Chicago (ORD) to Puerto Vallarta (PVR) is 2201 miles / 3542 kilometers and travel time by car is about 39 hours 50 minutes.

How long is it from Chicago to Hawaii?

Flight time from Chicago, Il to Honolulu is 9 hours 30 minutes.

How many days do you need in Puerto Vallarta?

7 days is enough to get a “feel” for Vallarta, but not enough time to really explore and see things IMO. You could do a lot of stuff, but you’d exhaust yourself in the process and need a vacation from your vacation.

What is the best month to go to Puerto Vallarta?

The best time to visit Puerto Vallarta is between April and June when the weather is pleasant and the room rates are affordable. During these months, rain is scarce and there are fewer tourists compared to the winter high season. If you’re interested in whale watching, however, visit from December to March.

How far of a flight is it to Hawaii from Chicago?

Distance from Chicago, Il to Honolulu is approximately 6820 kilometers….Flights from Chicago, Il to Honolulu • Airlines & Flight Duration.

Airline & Journey Duration
United Airlines ORD ➝ HNL 9 hrs 30 mins

How many hours is LA to Hawaii?

Average direct flight time is 5 hours 53 minutes. The fastest direct flight from Los Angeles to Hawaii is 5 hours 49 minutes.