Who said never forget what you are the rest of the world will not?

Who said never forget what you are the rest of the world will not?

Tyrion Lannister
This line is spoken by Tyrion Lannister (played by Peter Dinklage), in the episode “Winter is Coming,” in Game of Thrones, written by David Benioff and D.B.

Who said never forget what you are the rest of the world will not wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you?

Tyrion Lannister: Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you. Dwarf Tyrion offers some sage words of advice for the bastard Jon Snow.

Who Said Never forget who you are?

George R.R. Martin
Quote by George R.R. Martin: “Never forget who you are, for surely the world …”

What did Tyrion say to Jon Snow?

“I’ll find you later,” Tyrion says. “It’s not safe,” Jon says. “Let me send some men with you.” “I’m going alone,” the Hand says and walks away.

Why you should never forget where you came from?

As our path turns into greener pastures, not forgetting our past struggles helps us empathize with those who are now going through that phase. It allows us to be kind and gentle to them. It is also important not to let our past define us.

What does khaleesi say to the unsullied?

(Unsullied! Slay the masters, slay the soldiers, slay every man who holds a whip, but harm no child.

Why did Tyrion push in the chairs?

Littlefinger rushed to get the seat closest to Tywin, Cersei moved her chair so that she might sit on her father’s right hand, and Tyrion dragged his own chair to the head of the table, opposite to Tywin. It was a metaphor for power struggle.

Who Said Never forget why you started?

Quote by Ziad K. Abdelnour: “Never forget who was with you from the start……”

Why is it important to not forget your roots?

Whatever they may be, don’t forget your roots. They are important to your growth and future. While there may be moments you’d like to forget, don’t completely shut them out. Roots provide nourishment to the branches.

How could I ever forget Meaning?

How could I forget?: I will always remember this important thing!

Do you never forget what you are, for surely the world will not?

Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you. | I quote therefore I save on original thinking ← 10. Opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one. 12.

What does never forget what you are mean?

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”.

What did Tyrion say about never forget what you are?

“Let me give you some counsel, bastard,” Lannister said. “Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”.

What did George r.r.martin say about never forgetting what you are?

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armour yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.”.