Where are Hector dolphins found in NZ?

Where are Hector dolphins found in NZ?

South Island of
The Hector’s dolphins are only found around the inshore waters of the South Island of New Zealand, with Akaroa Harbour and Banks Peninsula hosting the highest population in one location.

How many Hector dolphins are left in New Zealand?

There is a subspecies of Hector’s dolphin known as Maui’s dolphin that is critically endangered and estimated to have a population of only 55. They are found only in the shallow coastal waters along western shores of New Zealand’s North Island.

Where are Hector dolphins found?

New Zealand
Hector’s dolphins are coastal dolphins native to New Zealand. Māui dolphins are currently found only along the northwest coast of the North Island, between Maunganui Bluff and Whanganui.

Are Hector and Maui dolphins the same?

Māui and Hector’s dolphins are two subspecies of the same dolphin species. Māui dolphins used to be known as North Island Hector’s dolphins but in 2002 they were classified as a separate subspecies and given the name Māui.

What’s the biggest dolphin in the world?

killer whale
The orca (killer whale) is the largest dolphin. Hector’s dolphin and Franciscana are two of the smallest.

What is the biggest dolphin in the world?

The largest dolphin, the orca, can grow to be over 30 feet long. The smallest, the Maui dolphin, is just five feet long.

Why are Maui dolphins dying?

This means that both species face extinction in the wild. Human induced threats are the main problem for both species. Boat strike, mining, construction, coastal development, pollution, marine tourism, marine farming and climate change are all hugely dangerous for Hector’s and Maui’s.

Why do dolphins have 2 stomachs?

Dolphins have two stomachs, just like cows. The first one stores the food, and the second one is where digestion takes place. All dolphins have a blowhole at the top where they take in air when they come to the surface. Dolphins breathe air into their lungs, just like we do.

What is the most famous dolphin?

Bottlenose Dolphin
The Bottlenose Dolphin Flipper, the world’s most famous dolphin, was a bottlenose dolphin. The other reason is they hold a special place in our hearts, since most the dolphins at Dolphins Plus are Atlantic bottlenose dolphins.

Where are Hector’s dolphins found in New Zealand?

New Zealand dolphins (Hector’s and Maui dolphins) are found only in New Zealand. Hector’s dolphin is the South Island subspecies, Maui dolphin is the North Island subspecies. They are Endangered due to deaths in fishing nets – gill nets and trawl nets.

Are there any Dolphins left in New Zealand?

They are rarer than kiwis and continue to be threatened by fishing nets. New Zealand dolphins (Hector’s and Maui dolphins) are found only in New Zealand. Hector’s dolphin is the South Island subspecies, Maui dolphin is the North Island subspecies. They are Endangered due to deaths in fishing nets – gill nets and trawl nets.

How are Hector’s dolphins and Maui dolphins endangered?

Hector’s dolphin is the South Island subspecies, Maui dolphin is the North Island subspecies. They are Endangered due to deaths in fishing nets – gill nets and trawl nets. Maui dolphin is Critically Endangered because there are only 55 Maui dolphins left in the world.

What kind of dolphin is the Hector’s dolphin?

Hector’s dolphin ( Cephalorhynchus hectori) is one of four dolphin species belonging to the genus Cephalorhynchus.