How to configure SSL connection with Tomcat server?

How to configure SSL connection with Tomcat server?

Configuring SSL with Tomcat. To enable encrypted connections with Tomcat, the HTTPS connector must be configured using the following procedure: Locate the server.xml file for the Tomcat installation (generally this would be conf/server.xml within the Tomcat directory). By default it contains a section such as the following:

Which is the port for HTTPS access in Tomcat?

Uncomment the Connector element. (Remove at the end of the entry.) Save the file and restart Tomcat. The code above enables SSL access on port 8443. The default for HTTPS is 443, but just as Tomcat uses 8080 instead of 80 to avoid conflicts, 8443 is used instead of 443 here.

Where to find server.xml file in Tomcat?

Locate the server.xml file for the Tomcat installation (generally this would be conf/server.xml within the Tomcat directory). By default it contains a section such as the following:

When to run Tomcat as a Servlet / JSP container?

When running Tomcat primarily as a Servlet/JSP container behind another web server, such as Apache or Microsoft IIS, it is usually necessary to configure the primary web server to handle the SSL connections from users.

Where can I find Tomcat server.xml file?

Open the Conf folder in the Tomcat install directory and locate the Server.xml file. Edit this file using a text editor (such as Notepad ++).

How to use an existing certificate in Tomcat?

To use an existing certificate 1 Move the certificate .pfx file to your Tomcat install directory (by default, this is C:Program Files (x86)Apache… 2 Open the Conf folder in the Tomcat install directory and locate the Server.xml file. Edit this file using a text editor… More

What’s the default port for Apache Tomcat server?

Mostly I’ve been in touch with Tomcat Server in my daily work life, simply can’t live without it. On Crunchify we have already published almost 40 articles on Apache Tomcat. In most of the tutorial I’ve run server on port 8080 which is default port configured in server.xml file.