What does it mean if your monocytes are high?

What does it mean if your monocytes are high?

What Does a High Monocyte Count Mean? A high monocyte count — also called monocytosis — is often associated with chronic or sub-acute infections. It can also be linked with some types of cancer, especially leukemia. A high monocyte count can occur when you are recovering from an acute infection.

What causes low WBC and low lymphocytes?

Lymphocytopenia is an abnormally low number of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) in the blood. Many disorders can decrease the number of lymphocytes in the blood, but viral infections (including AIDS) and undernutrition are the most common.

What is a normal range for monocytes?

The normal absolute monocytes range is between 1 and 10% of the body’s white blood cells. If the body has 8000 white blood cells, then the normal absolute monocytes range is between 80 and 800.

What is the normal range for monocytes?

How low of lymphocytes is cause for concern?

A diagnosis of lymphocytopenia means that your blood lymphocyte count is below 1,500 cells/microliter. Infants and children have more lymphocytes; less than 3,000 cells/microliter is considered to be too low in this case.

Is 3.2 WBC too low?

How many white blood cells (WBCs) someone has varies, but the normal range is usually between 4,000 and 11,000 per microliter of blood. A blood test that shows a WBC count of less than 4,000 per microliter (some labs say less than 4,500) could mean your body may not be able to fight infection the way it should.

What is considered a high monocyte count percentage?

A Monocytosis The normal relative monocyte count in the adult varies between 1 and 9% of the circulating leukocyte population (Cassileth, 1972; Wintrobe, 1967). The relative monocyte count is significantly elevated when it exceeds 10%.

What would cause low lymphocytes and high neutrophils?

Low Neutrophils and High Lymphocytes. A low neutrophil count along with a high lymphocyte count can be an indication of viral infections, autoimmune diseases and leukemias. The current article provides information regarding the absolute counts of these cell types, as well as the diseases that lead to high lymphocytes and low neutrophils.

What causes low monocytes?

A low monocyte count can occur for a variety of reasons, including physical illness, the use of certain medications, or vitamin deficiencies. Illnesses that affect the bone marrow, such as HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus, are among the most common causes for a low monocyte count.

What does low lymphocytes mean?

Viral and bacterial infections cause low lymphocyte count. Low lymphocytes can mean that your body is fighting off an infection. During the time of the infection and for some time later, blood tests may show lower than normal levels of lymphocytes.

What cancers cause high monocytes?

Malignant conditions such as leukemia or lung cancer can lead to increased monocyte levels, along with raised levels of other types of white blood cells. In leukemia, the bone marrow becomes cancerous and begins to produce large numbers of monocytes.