Can your heart rate be low and blood pressure high?

Can your heart rate be low and blood pressure high?

When the heart’s electrical circuits aren’t properly functioning, the result can be a high heart rate coupled with low blood pressure, Dr. Taigen explains. “When the heart has a fast, abnormal rhythm — anything over 100, but closer to 160 beats per minute — it can’t adequately fill with blood.

Does blood pressure have anything to do with pulse?

Heart rate (also called a “pulse”) measures how many times per minute your heart beats. Blood pressure measures how strongly (with how much “pressure”) your heart and blood vessels pump blood to the rest of your body.

How do you fix low heart rate and high blood pressure?


  1. Use more salt. Experts usually recommend limiting salt in your diet because sodium can raise blood pressure, sometimes dramatically.
  2. Drink more water. Fluids increase blood volume and help prevent dehydration, both of which are important in treating hypotension.
  3. Wear compression stockings.
  4. Medications.

Is it worse to have high blood pressure or low blood pressure?

High: High blood pressure is worse. Low blood pressure in its common form (not including pots) causes dizziness when standing from a lying or sitting position. While low blood pressure can be very annoying it rarely leads to the multiple issues that high blood pressure can.

What is a dangerously low pulse rate?

The medical term for a low pulse rate that falls below 60 beats per minute is bradycardia, which could be a symptom of a serious condition. An individual who experiences signs of decreased heart rhythms should be evaluated by a physician.

What causes slow heart rate with high blood pressure?

When your blood pressure rises, a reflex called the baroreceptor reflex is triggered in an attempt to lower your pressure. As a result of this reflex, the heart rate becomes slower. So the natural response to any increase in blood pressure is a lower pulse.

What causes low heart pressure?

Low blood pressure causes can be due to hormonal changes, widening of blood vessels, medicine side effects, anemia, heart, & endocrine problems. Heart problems: Some heart conditions can lead to low blood pressure such as extremely low heart rate (bradycardia), heart valve problems, heart attack, and heart failure.