What producers are in the Arctic Ocean?

What producers are in the Arctic Ocean?

The main producers in the Arctic Ocean are phytoplankton, which are eaten by the primary consumers, fish and whales. Secondary consumers are seals and beluga whales, which eat fish and crustaceans. The top predators are polar bears, consuming seals and other fish.

What is the primary productivity of the polar ocean?

In the central Arctic Ocean where primary productivity is relatively low, sea ice algae can contribute up to 60% of total primary production (owing primarily to low pelagic primary productivity).

Are primary producers in the ocean?

The organisms responsible for primary production are called primary producers or autotrophs. Most marine primary production is generated by a diverse collection of marine microorganisms called algae and cyanobacteria. Back in the Silurian, some phytoplankton evolved into red, brown and green algae.

What factors limit primary production in the Arctic Ocean?

Reduction of sunlight by sea ice is a major limiting factor for primary productivity in the Arctic Ocean.

What is the food chain for arctic?

In the Arctic, there are several food chains that criss-cross to make a food web, starting with the sun, then producers like phytoplankton in the sea and grasses and lichens on land. Some of the consumers in the food webs are krill, fish, birds, reindeer, and seals.

What ecosystem has the highest net primary productivity?

The highest net primary productivity in terrestrial environments occurs in swamps and marshes and tropical rainforests; the lowest occurs in deserts.

Where is primary productivity highest in the ocean?

Higher chlorophyll concentrations and in general higher productivity are observed on the equator, along the coasts (especially eastern margins), and in the high latitude ocean (Figure 4a and b).

Are sharks Detritivores?

In the ocean, of course one of the greatest carnivores is the great white shark. There are scavengers and detritivores that feed on dead plants and animals, such as a hagfish feeding on a dead whale in the deep ocean.

What are the 2 main limiting factors of primary producers?

In terrestrial ecosystems, temperature and moisture are the key factors limiting primary production.

Can bacteria be primary producers?

Autotrophs or primary producers are organisms that acquire their energy from sunlight and materials from nonliving sources. Algae, higher plants, and some bacteria and protists are important autotrophs in running waters.