How do I ignore property in AutoMapper?

How do I ignore property in AutoMapper?

You can configure AutoMapper, that it will ignore some properties during copying. It can be usefull, for example, if you get some object from EntityFramework and want to create object copy for cache. We configure AutoMapper to ignore property B during copying.

How do I use ForMember in AutoMapper?

CreateMap() . ForMember(dest => dest. Code, opt => opt. MapFrom(src => src.Name));

Is AutoMapper case sensitive?

2 Answers. The trunk version is now default case-insensitive, and supports multiple naming conventions (camelCase, lowercase_underscore, etc). Look for this in the next version of AutoMapper, which should drop in a couple of days.

Why do we need AutoMapper?

Use AutoMapper to eliminate the need to write tedious boilerplate code when mapping objects in your application. AutoMapper is a popular object-to-object mapping library that can be used to map objects belonging to dissimilar types.

How do I set up AutoMapper?

Otherwise following these 4 steps works:

  1. Install AutoMapper. Extensions. Microsoft. DependancyInjection from nuget.
  2. Simply add some profile classes.
  3. Then add below to your startup. cs class. services. AddAutoMapper(OneOfYourProfileClassNamesHere)
  4. Then simply Inject IMapper in your controllers or wherever you need it:

What is AutoMapper in .NET core?

AutoMapper is a component that helps to copy data from one type of object to another type of object. It is more like an object-object mapper. According to the AutoMapper docs, Object-object mapping works by transforming an input object of one type into an output object of a different type.

Is AutoMapper bidirectional?

Yes, because if you change the type of some property (for example DateTime -> string) it is not bidirectional (you will need to instruct Automapper how to convert string -> DateTime).

Why do you call automapper before or after mapping?

As you can see the method has no return but is designed to modify the state of the object before the mapping is performed. At present this method is called manually before the object is mapped, but my intention was to execute the method automatically before the mapping takes place.

How to use automapper in list to list configuration?

However AutoMapper is not flexible enough to make it easy to use with a List to List configuration. One way to make it work is to use a ConvertUsing method and specify explicitly the mapping to use on list items and invoke the after mapping stuff there: Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!

How to know if an aftermap is present?

The caller called the Project extension method. The type pair being mapped / projected from / to contained an aftermap. That is assuming that the extensions are able to examine the mappings at the point the call id add and determine if an AfterMap is present.

Where does the destination value go in automapper?

Note that the value you return from your resolver is not simply assigned to the destination property. Any map that applies will be used and the result of that mapping will be the final destination property value. Check the execution plan. By default, AutoMapper passes the source object to the resolver.