Where do you tap a VP shunt?

Where do you tap a VP shunt?


  • The patient should be supine with the head oriented so that the ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt reservoir lies uppermost.
  • The reservoir is usually located on the right side of the head and feels like a smooth dome under the skin.

How do you assess a VP shunt?

Palpate to identify the VP shunt and the reservoir chamber. Compress the chamber. Difficulty compressing indicates distal obstruction. Slow refill (more than 3-5 seconds) indicates proximal obstruction.

How do you take CSF from VP shunt?

To help drain the extra CSF from your brain, a VP shunt will be placed into your head. The VP shunt works by taking the fluid out of your brain and moving it into your abdomen (belly), where it’s absorbed by your body. This lowers the pressure and swelling in your brain.

What are the symptoms of a blocked VP shunt?

Shunt Malfunction Signs

  • Headaches.
  • Vomiting.
  • Lethargy (sleepiness)
  • Irritability.
  • Swelling or redness along the shunt tract.
  • Decreased school performance.
  • Periods of confusion.
  • Seizures.

What are the signs of a blocked shunt?

How do I know if my shunt is blocked?

Possible signs of ACUTE shunt blockage or infection may include: Vomiting. Headache. Dizziness.

What are the signs of a shunt infection?

The symptoms of a shunt infection may include:

  • redness and tenderness along the line of the shunt.
  • a high temperature.
  • headache.
  • vomiting.
  • neck stiffness.
  • tummy pain if the shunt drains into your tummy.
  • irritability or sleepiness in babies.

What should the pressure be on a VP shunt?

Hold manometer at level of the patient’s ear. If proximal catheter is not obstructed, CSF will flow into the manometer. Pressures above 15mmHg are abnormal (>25 are postiviely correlated with distal shunt obstruction).

How does a VP shunt drain CSF from the brain?

VP shunt To help drain the extra CSF from your brain, a VP shunt will be placed into your head. The VP shunt works by taking the fluid out of your brain and moving it into your abdomen (belly), where it’s absorbed by your body. This lowers the pressure and swelling in your brain.

How to prepare for ventriculoperitoneal shunt tap?

Review the shunt series imaging or previous imaging to locate the shunt reservoir. If hair overlies the reservoir, parting and gelling the hair away from the shunt, as shown below, is often enough. Otherwise, the area around the reservoir can be shaved with a razor. In children, this should be avoided, if possible. Scalp preparation for tap.

How are shunts used to relieve pressure on the brain?

A ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt is a medical device that relieves pressure on the brain caused by fluid accumulation. Doctors surgically place VP shunts inside one of the brain’s ventricles to divert fluid away from the brain and restore normal flow and absorption of CSF.