What does PMP stand for in medical terms?

What does PMP stand for in medical terms?

Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP)

What is an NPO patient?

1. NPO Means “Nothing by Mouth” NPO means “nothing by mouth,” from the Latin nil per os. The acronym is simply a doctor’s shorthand for a period of time in which you may not eat or drink anything (ask about prescription medication).

What does PR mean in medication administration?

Abbreviation for per rectum.

What does Cele mean in medical terms?

4 Suffix

-cele hernia, protrusion, swelling hydrocele
-centesis surgical puncture to aspirate fluid amniocentesis
-crine to secrete exocrine
-cyesis pregnancy pseudocyesis

What does TID mean in the military?


Acronym Definition
TID Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance
TID Tactical Information Display (US Navy aviation)
TID Thermionic Ionization Detector
TID Touch Interactive Display

What does TID stand for medical?

t.i.d. ter in die. three times a day. t.d.s. ter die sumendum three times a day.

What is the meaning of NPO medical abbreviation?

NPO word is a Latin acronym of “nihil per orem” which means “nothing by mouth”. The word signifies a medical term that means don’t swallow anything for a certain amount of time. It is a restriction used in the medical world.

What is a PMP in the US?

A state-run agency in the U.S. that monitors the prescription of controlled substances, and provides education, trend analysis, and feedback to prescribers and to law enforcement. PMPs help promote the appropriate use of pain relieving drugs by preventing their diversion, abuse, or misuse.

What is a PMP drug monitoring program?

prescription monitoring program. PMP. A state-run agency in the U.S. that monitors the prescription of controlled substances, and provides education, trend analysis, and feedback to prescribers and to law enforcement. PMPs help promote the appropriate use of pain relieving drugs by preventing their diversion, abuse, or misuse.

What is an NPO instruction?

An NPO instruction is intended to keep the stomach empty, and reduce the risk of this occurring. While the phrase per os (“by the mouth”) appears in the medical texts meaning “administering orally” as early as the 1830s, the full phrase nil per os was being used in medical literature by the 1940s.