How do you make a circle equidistant in Solidworks?

How do you make a circle equidistant in Solidworks?

To create equidistant points and segments: In an active sketch, select a sketch segment. Click Tools > Sketch Tools > Segment ….Equidistant Points and Segments

  1. Set the Number of Instances .
  2. Select Sketch points or Sketch segments.
  3. Click .

What can be used as the pattern access for a circular pattern?

When you are creating a circular pattern, you can only use a work axis as the axis of rotation.

How do you make a linear pattern in Solidworks?

To create a linear sketch pattern:

  1. In an open sketch, click Linear Sketch Pattern. (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Linear Pattern.
  2. In the PropertyManager, under Entities to Pattern, select the sketch entities to pattern .
  3. Set values for Direction 1 (X-axis).
  4. Repeat for Direction 2 (Y-axis).
  5. Click .

How do you segment a circle in Solidworks?

You can use the Segment tool to create equal length segments in arcs and circles. In an open sketch of an arc or circle, click Segment (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Segment .

How do you make a circular pattern in Solidworks?

To create circular sketch patterns: In an open sketch, click Circular Sketch Pattern (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Circular Pattern. In the PropertyManager, under Entities to Pattern, select the sketch entities to pattern .

What is a linear pattern in SolidWorks?

In this month’s blog I want to focus on a couple of basic examples and hopefully they will enhance the way you pattern within SolidWorks and add to all content already available to users. The Linear Pattern allows you to create multiple instances of a feature in a specific direction with uniform spacing along a linear (straight) edge.

How do I increment a feature through the spacing or size?

Within the Pattern command we are able to increment a feature through the spacing or size, we can control this using a dimension and even override individual instances. In this example we have a slot located on the origin and created a linear pattern going vertically above with 8 instances.

How to increase the spacing between pattern instances and dimensions?

From Instances to Vary tool you can increment the spacing between the centers of the pattern instances and the dimensions of other features. In the graphics area, click the Dimensions of the seed feature to display and populate the table. Add a value in the Increment column to increase or decrease the size and shape of the related dimensions.

How do I create a circular pattern?

There are two different ways to create your pattern. If you check “ Equal Pattern ” then you can simply define the number of elements you want your circular pattern to have. You can activate Full Preview to see the pattern before applying it.